Saturday, November 04, 2006

bad day

Today is a very strange day. I've found a cause of the yesterday bug and it plunged me into despair. It looks that I should rewrite a lot of code to make utility working correctly. Ghm... This is Beckham's bad day...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Few year ago I tried to publish math text to my web site. It turned out that this is a very difficult task. There were 2 ways how to do this: first is publishing all formulas in pictures, second is turning browser for special language (MathML) by installing different plugins. But these plugins were very freakish. Also at that time there were no programs for online editing of math text.
Today with help of Anya I returned to this problem and found a big progress. First of all my favorite FireFox browser supports MathML by default, secondly various auxiliary tools help us to make up math text without any headache. I found tons of editors for MathML, even online editors:

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

JotSpot research

JotSpot is not only Wiki. This is a powerfull office suit with blogs, spreadsheets, calendars, filestorage system, bugtracking system, project management system, etc. It is good enough for small IT busyness. The onliest thing which makes me doubting is privacy and safety. If I'll start to use this service, who can guarantee that service will be accessible uninterruptedly and possible server faults will not damage my data. But anyhow this is very interesting service which sets you to thinking about future of office software.